Sunday, 27 January 2013

Two thoughts on film directing

I came across this again the other day and just have to share it. 

"My movie is born first in my head, dies on paper; is resuscitated by the living persons and real objects I use, which are killed on film but, placed in a certain order and projected on to a screen, come to life again like flowers in water." Robert Bresson

‎"My technique is called fucking the frame" - Michael Bay


Monday, 21 January 2013

Two Screenings

Things have been ticking along nicely my end and next week should see me venture out for two screenings of two of my short films.

The first is a showing of 'The Last Man on Earth' at the Monday Night Picture Club at Cafe 1001 on Brick Lane on Monday 28th January. The Picture Club is a year old and are celebrating by having an evening of the 'Best of' and 'The Last Man on Earth' has been deemed worthy of inclusion. Details here so see you there. Free entry by the way:

The second screening is a showing of 'Pretty Things' which will be screened on Friday 1st February at the Vibe Gallery in South London. Free entry again and details here:!/events/550295731649335/

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Happy New Year

Well 2012 is done and dusted and I'm hoping 2013 will be a good one. I've been busy over Xmas and should let you know soon on some exciting developments my end but in the meantime just want to let you know about a couple of things.

First off, if you're free on Tuesday 8th January then come along for the first instalment of a new monthly film night at The Bohemia

The first theme is ‘New Beginnings' and following the screening of my very own 'The Last Man on Earth' and three other shorts they'll also be screening Terrence Malick’s first masterpiece ‘Badlands'. The night promises to be good free fun and a chance to meet others interested in film. There will also be free popcorn.

Like their page:

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Secondly, my friends at Tactal Hots - a record label I've done work for - are featuring me this month in their 'Featured Artist' section, which is nice. Check it out.