The last two months have been busy.
I sold my flat and have a new place in sunny Bournemouth lined up for the new year along with a new job at Bournemouth Arts University. I got an agent and am now represented by Nic Knight Management. I also wrote a book which I have been polishing. It's my first and is in the same vein as Elmore Leonard, James Ellroy and George Pelecanos. I loved writing it and have another planned. I also helped my old friend Jonny Flint produce his short so watch this space for more news on that. I saw the final cut the other day and loved it. I also had two more of my features optioned. 'The Coldest Day' has been optioned by Emanation Films and 'The Camping Trip' has been optioned by Eavesdrop Films. I've just done another draft for the company which was good fun.
So as I spend my final week living in London, where I have lived for the last sixteen years, things look exciting for the new year. I'll be back up in London for various things but if you're in the Bournemouth area then don't be a stranger.